A new chapter

Well hello.

It’s been an incredibly long time, I am fully aware of that.

Not that people have probably noticed… It’s not like I’m trying to go viral or anything here. I just felt like writing something on here.

So I just started university. I have moved out of my parents’ house. It’s time to learn how to live. I have to clean. I have to cook. I have to do so many things I never really had to think about before.

I’m such an adult now. Not really. I still feel like I’m 12 years old… And sure, I may be the youngest person at the university (I’m 19, the rest of the people I’ve met are 20 or older), but I’m technically an adult.

I’m not ready for all this responsibility. I’ll just have to do my best.

Cooking dinner is a hassle. I like food, I just can’t be bothered making it all the time. Thank goodness for fridges; I can just cook dinner for several days in a row and then either reheat it or have it cold. Is this what being an adult feels like?

Probably not. Anyways, I felt like an adult today when I downloaded apps for two grocery stores (to get discounts & stuff) and made a list of things I’m going to do this weekend. Here’s the list:

  1. Clean the bathroom
  2. Practice some music theory (I study music)
  3. Go for a bike ride around the area (about 3 or 4 hours)
  4. Practice some instruments (again: I study music)

Okay maybe they’re not all adult things, but they sure are (music) student things.

I’m looking forward to this year. I mean yeah, I miss my friends and family, but I’m excited about living by myself and trying/failing at life. Hopefully there will be more trying and actually doing than failing.

Anyways that’s all, really. I’m excited. I’m growing up. God help us all.


Stay happy, stay awkward.